Stephen Couture is Principal Water/Wastewater Engineer in AECOM’s Industrial Water/Wastewater
Technical Practice, focusing on water and wastewater treatment and environmental compliance
consulting for the company’s industrial and commercial clients. His experience includes treatment
system design engineering, water use optimization and wastewater minimization program development,
water and wastewater utility energy conservation, and environmental regulatory compliance consulting
and permitting. He has also provided environmental regulatory and technicalconsultation to clients and
legal counsel in negotiating administrative, civil, and criminal enforcement settlements in the area of
wastewater regulatory compliance and has served as senior technical advisor to non-governmental
environmental organizations and U.S. government agencies on international environmental regulatory
compliance consulting and program development.
Mr. Couture holds a Diplomate Environmental Engineer (DEE) certification in Water and Wastewater
Engineering and a Board Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE) certification in Environmental
Sustainability from the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists.